The Custom Screen Printing Process, Part 4: Registration & Press Setup

We are almost ready to print!  In part four of our series, we'll be taking the screens that we just finished making in our last installment, and setting them up on the press for our production run.    By this stage, the screens should be totally dry - you won't want any residual moisture lingering around.  We give the screens a final visual inspection by holding them up to the light and looking for any imperfections in the image, as well as any pinholes or blemishes in the emulsion that might cause problems during printing.  Any pinholes are blocked with more emulsion or tape depending on their severity, and the edges of the screen along the frame are sealed with tape to prevent ink leaking out the sides.

screens canvas.jpg

 Now, we're ready to load the screen onto the press.  Each screen is clamped into one of the printing heads on the press.  Using the registration marks that we put into the image, each screen is carefully lined up with, or "registered," with each other. 

Off-contact is checked and any necessary adjustments are made -this helps to prevent too much or too little ink from passing through the screen during the print.    Then, each of the screens is loaded with the proper color of ink.  Now, the press is set up - and we are ready to pull the first "proof," or test-print.    Tune in next time!